Quality Policy

Quality Policy Statement

We shape a sustainable, beautiful and safe environment, which increases people's quality of life and takes into account local spirit, local conditions and climate.

The power of creativity resides in us.

We are in the front line of architects and dare to follow our belief.

We identify the needs and expectations of our customers, users and other stakeholders and always strive to meet or even exceed them.

We place an emphasis on employee knowledge and competence through continuing training and education to face new and demanding challenges with a creative approach and original solutions.

We focus on increasing positive environmental impact with innovative solutions.

We abide by the requirements that apply to the organization’s activities.

We operate in compliance with a certified management system and work toward its continual improvement.

We cultivate a good work ethic and promote employee health and safety.

We create an excellent working environment for our employees.

We return value to the owners and employees of the company.

The policy is presented and understood within the organization and reviewed annually by the management.

The policy forms a framework for the settings of the organizations objectives.